Hi, my name is Julivius and I am a fresh graduate from Engineering and Policy Analysis Master’s Program at TU Delft. I am a creative and analytical person who believes in games as a knowledge medium. Below you can find my experiences relevant in the serious game development work.
Plastic Soup: A Recipe for Disaster
“Plastic Soup” is a virtual serious game. It was made as part of the course assignment and in collaboration with our client, Noria. Players can choose to cooperate with one another, punish a certain player, or just play to win for themselves. The main objective of the game is to increase cooperation between key players surrounding plastic waste in waterways in the Netherlands. Additionally, the game is supposed to highlight the scale and leverage points of the problem.
Team size: five master students
Platforms: Browser
Project length: 10 weeks (September 2020 – November 2020)
Tools: playingcards.io
- We studied and interviewed our clients in regard to the plastic soup problem to gain a deeper understanding of the issue.
- We designed the concept of the game. We experimented on game rules and mechanics.
- I initiated chained brainstorming to have diverse ideas. Different ideas were sent out to each member and each member added another idea on top of it, then continued to send it to another member. At the end of the week, we discuss these chained ideas.
- I wrote the introduction script of the briefing video.
- I moderated and participated in most playtesting sessions (in-house and external), collecting and acting upon feedback.
- We wrote documents in reflection of our development progress. They include the core concept of the plastic soup problem, the core concept of the plastic soup game, the feedback from playtesting sessions, and the learning from play (implementation) sessions.
A Hole New Perspective
“A Hole New Perspective” is a digital serious game made to train perspective skills. It was made as part of the course assignment and in collaboration with our client, Leiden University. The game creates a three-dimensional object for the players to play with and pass through a moving wall. (Download here)
Team size: six master students
Platforms: PC
Project length: 10 weeks (November 2020 – January 2021)
Tools: Unity
- We studied and interviewed our clients in regard to perspective skills to gain a deeper understanding of the issue.
- I wrote documents related to the game design and the scientific paper.
- I did the sound effect and added the background music to the game.
- I playtested and gave feedbacks related to the player’s experience.
- I learned how to navigate using Unity and Git.