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What’s the Other Side Looks Like? – Flash Fiction

Since when we’re supposed to stay at one place forever?

I want to see the world, I thought to myself.

Things change. It would not stay the same. Everything you know will be gone and they won’t wait for you to come back. Scott, Sakka and Sasha all told me more or less the same when I spit out my mind.

How about vacation, part of me even doubted the idea of we moved away.

Homes carved into a cliff. An oasis in the middle of the desert. The river cut through a mountain. Beneath it. Tall dense impregnable forest. Portable house. The market in boats. I want to see ALL OF THEM with my own eyes. I want to smell it, touch it, feel the heat and the moisture. I’m wondering how does it feel to live like a native. If others can desire for money and be greedy as hell. Why do I get more obstacle to pursue my dream? Challenge would be inevitable and heck, technology nowadays advance so much.

“What would you do if it’s not as you expected?” Mario asked me. No judgment. No hate nor support. Pure curiosity.

“I’m aware that it might not be the same as I hoped for. It might be turned into a tourist site and sell its nature.” I threw my gaze away from him.

“Since when we’re supposed to stay at one place forever? Since when I belong here? Since when things are waiting for me?” Yes, the internet closes the gap. Despite many connections, I don’t see, to be honest, more of us feeling connected. It’s so close that we starting to push each other away. You can see me from anywhere at any time.

“Since when you stop dreaming?” My words slide out just like that. There’s a silence between us. I can hear my own heartbeat and my own regret. It’s not fair to Mario.

“Fair enough,” he smiled as nothing happened. “Although things will change, please know that you’re always welcome here.”

“At least by myself, Scott, Sakka and Sasha. I’m not sure if the mayor will care about you.” he ended it as expected. Ruining the moment. Sounds like Mario.

Photo by Jack Hunter on Unsplash