Latest Collection of Writing
Mixes of daydreams, thought, and life’s record
First hibernation – flash fiction
“And that is the last leaves. I guess it is time to go hibernate. Sleep…
me when sunset
me: enjoying the sunset. admiring the view without making any excessive sound or movement. also…
Alba: a wildlife adventure – game experience review
Brother: a tale of two sons – quick game review
I played this game briefly. I couldn’t continue it much since this is a coop…
My favorite what-if
I love to daydream. I love to wonder about life from a practical perspective and…
EPA Master’s experience review
Read in Bahasa Indonesia. 30th August 2021, I received my Master of Science (M.Sc) degree…

Hi, I’m Julivius.
Sometimes I write,
sometimes I read,
sometimes I ask.
Just like a boy.
Quick Summary About Julivius
I am currently working as a research and consulting staff in WISE – WASH in Southeast Asia. There, I helped with a few research, grant proposal writing, consulting assignments, intern supervision, and serious games development. I graduated with MSc in Engineering and Policy Analysis at TU Delft in 2021. My thesis was about sanitation governance in Indonesia. Additionally, I took a serious interest in serious game design during my study. Including my bachelor’s background in environmental engineering, you could say that I accidentally become experienced in WASH, policy analysis, serious games, and solid waste management.
Besides that, I have a good enough understanding related to the environment and climate crisis. I love to read books, including manga, draw pixel art and static typography, and observe the sky. I love to humble myself by trying out a new hobby and naturally find out that I suck at it.
Contact Me
Hey there! Thanks for dropping in. I hope it’s worth the time. You’re welcome to say hi or to ask informal questions on my Twitter or Instagram.
I don’t have any formal way to contact me yet. Working on it.
No, I don’t answer telepathy, message in a bottle, or crop circle.